Special Christmas offer on Bjorn Lynne CDs
As many of you may already know, every year in time for Christmas, I like to make a little bit of extra effort with my CD sales, to encourage you good people to buy my CDs as Christmas presents for friends and relatives! I mean, it’s already a great idea for a Christmas present. A CD delivered directly from the composer, autographed, and perhaps with a special Christmas greeting or message to the person you’re giving it to. I dare say it’s a little bit more interesting as a gift, than just picking a CD from the “top 10” list at the local record store! :-)
So between now and Christmas, I am offering a completely free extra CD of your choice for anybody who orders 2 or more CDs from my CD-shop.
Offer stands from November 9 until December 25, 2006. To take advantage of the offer, you simply place an order in my CD-shop for two or more CDs. Then email bjorn@lynnemusic.com and let me know which extra CD you would like me to add to your order.
Also, all CDs shipped out in this period will be autographed.
To place an order, proceed to the CD-shop...